CC List
I’ve been postponing this for a long time… but I think I should finally face it. My CC list is too big! I can easily say that it is huge! I’ve been collecting cc for so long time that some sites don’t even exist anymore.. and that’s why I am always afraid to delete my complete downloads folder and start a new one. Some weeks ago I managed to reduce about 50% of my cc, so my computer is now 1gb thinner. However, I’m only talking about the .sims3pack files! Because as .package I still have many more. I just went to check and… I can add more 540mb of .package!
Oh-la-la Camille! C’est un peu trop, non?
Anyways… I’d like to list here the creators that happily made me fill up my downloads folder. Gorgeous contents that I can’t live without! Hop! Let’s start!
My fav creators are:
Aikea Guinea; ATS3; Awesims; Cashcraft; Deeiutza; Djem; Funny; Jope; LemonLeaf;
Lilisims; LivingDeadGirl; Luna; Madaya; Mutske; Pilar; Peggy; Pocci; ShinoKCR; Tifa and VitaSims.
I also have amazing contents from:
Akisima; Amanda; Angela; Anno Sims; Anoeska; Anubis; ASC; Ayuff; Bau; BPS creators; CandyLover; Cazarupt; Cemre; CherryBlossom creators; Cyclonesue; Desdren; Dot; Elenka; Ephemera; Evie; Gosik; Heleane; Indigo; JKLEE; Liana; Lisa86; Lit; LemonJelly; Lorandia; lpvinyl21; Mango; M&T Cake Store; Murano; MYOS; NataliS; Nelly; Newsea; Praline; PoppySims; Raonjena; RepulsiveDesire; Riccinumbers; Rubika; RustyNails; Sailfinsims; Sasilia; SDA; Shyne; sImcredible; Sims3d; Subaxi; Susan; Tribecca; Ulker.
Store Content:
Earth Day; Harvest Bounty; JazzAgeLiving Fullset; RomanzaCeremony Reception; Club Vaindenburger; Hewnsman; Bayside; Storybook; Luxe Kidswear; IndulgentLiving; Animals Abound; Faire Folk Life; Regal Living; Pushing Pedals; Hacienda Luxury; Provence; Sun, Surf & Sand; Old Town; Glitter and Glam;
So many! Yeah your contents are the best!
This list is surely in constant change.
Posted on February 17th, 2011 @ 22:12 | RD said:
540GB of package CC!! And I thought I was the addict. LoL. Hey I'm on your CC list that makes me smile. You are on mine to lovely lady
Posted on February 17th, 2011 @ 23:12 | Amanda said:
I know what you mean I keep telling myself "Your not gonna download anymore cc Amanda!" everyday..but when I see Awesome cc like yours or some of the peoples on your list creations…it weakens me lol!
You made me blush btw..I'm surprised/happy to be on your list hon.Thanks!
Posted on February 17th, 2011 @ 23:41 | camille said:
RD you are one of the biggest villains of my CC folder! I have too too many files from you! But what can I do? I just can't let them go at all! They are too cute!!
Amandita of course you're in my list! I'm often visiting your blog!!
Thank you girls for making my sim lives a lot more beautiful!
Posted on February 17th, 2011 @ 23:42 | JHEN said:
I don't have any idea at all
is that a game sis ? 
Posted on February 18th, 2011 @ 03:10 | Lorry said:
Oh gosh this thread made me check the size of package files I have in game……903 MB = 569 files (96 folders) ={. Do I really need all this CC, considering I mostly play the game?

My Sims 3 pack folder is even bigger!!
Some of my favourite creators (apart from you!) are Angela,Alex Stanton,Awesims, Mangosims,Sailfinsims and Simcredible just to name a few (there are so many more), and of course I must mention RD as well, she is always tempting me with her delicious downloads.
I guess, so long as my game is running smoothly, I shall keep downloading
Posted on February 18th, 2011 @ 04:07 | camille said:
Oh my sweet Lorry! It's ok! We are all in the same boat! And you're right, as long as the game is smooth we shall keep downloading![:]](

I'm very happy to know I am a good creator for you
But most of the things I do are always the part of someone's else creation and I thank and credit them very much!
And please.. don't forget the blog idea. I'm sure you have a lot to show us… by the way, have you tried the living sims forum? they have a very friendly community. I'm sure you'd feel very well there
Posted on February 18th, 2011 @ 09:45 | Dawn Kresher said:
What is cc links anyways?
Posted on February 18th, 2011 @ 23:11 | Lorry said:
You do such a fabulous job of others creations, I am sure they would be flattered.
I thought I was a member of Living Sims Forum (when it first began), however I cant recall my ID or password
I do visit Living Sims on a regular basis just as a visitor!
LOL you are so sweet…..I think you be the only visitor if I had a BLOG!
Have a lovely weekend
Posted on February 19th, 2011 @ 17:58 | camille said:
Oh Dear thank you for all your love

But you can be sure that you get very surprised when people actually like what you do. Me too, I thought I'd never get visitors and I'm very happy with everybody that comes to my blog today! So thank you for visiting me, and please have more confidence in yourself
Posted on May 9th, 2011 @ 17:48 | Bluebell said:
Camille, posta todos os seus downloads por favooooor, meu sonho *-* ah, e eu adoro suas casas, são sempre lindas
Posted on June 22nd, 2011 @ 13:49 | Eline said:
Hey, i was looking at your flickr and i saw this really nice bike.. i reacted so i was wondering where do i get it???

Posted on June 22nd, 2011 @ 17:38 | camille said:
The only different bike I have is from the store, from pushing pedals set. I think it's this one
Posted on July 13th, 2011 @ 17:14 | June said:
Hey Camille, do you know if RD has a new blog? Blogspot says his other one was "deleted" :/
Posted on July 13th, 2011 @ 18:11 | camille said:
No, she deleted her blog but you can still find some downloads @ BPS ;D