Posted on October 7th, 2010 @ 21:49

Practical Magic House

Casa inspirada no filme Da Magia à Sedução

Para a bruxinha que ha em você!

Feliz dia das Bruxas (31 de outubro)

Happy Halloween!

House inspired by the Practical Magic Movie House

**Requer: Ambições e Volta ao Mundo

Requires: Ambitions and World Adventures

Lote size: 40×40

No CC Practical Magic House (7651 downloads )

(no cc) 8.4mb

Practical Magic House (8185 downloads )

(w/ cc) 33mb

CC List:

Greenhouse roof by shakeshaft@TSR

Old Arbor by sim_man123@TSR

Fences by Luna

Shelf by MK@Vitasims

Hood by Vitasims

And many Store CC


  1. Posted on October 7th, 2010 @ 22:43 | Michelle  said:

    Thank you for your submission Camille. Please make sure you have your Sims 3 Profile Page on your submission:

    – Name
    -Link to your submission.
    -Sims 3 Profile page


    This way we can easily find you if you have the winning entry. :-)

  2. Posted on October 10th, 2010 @ 18:06 | yhad said:

    muito linda essa casa!! amei amei
    ela ta perfeita!
    muito obrigada!

  3. Posted on October 11th, 2010 @ 10:56 | camille said:

    Que bom que você gostou, fico feliz :)

  4. Posted on October 17th, 2010 @ 14:21 | Amy said:

    I love that house from the movie! Thank you <3

  5. Posted on December 16th, 2010 @ 00:10 | Carol said:

    *6 Nossa, estava louca para uma casa inspirada na do filme *.*

    Nunca encontrava nada parecido, parece que adivinhou. rs

    parabéns a casa é linda. …

  6. Posted on December 18th, 2010 @ 18:27 | camille said:

    Obrigada Carol!

  7. Posted on February 8th, 2011 @ 16:09 | Andea said:

    I wish I could download this… but without being sure of what store content and custom content I need, I can not. :( It will ruin the lot if I don't have them.

  8. Posted on February 8th, 2011 @ 17:34 | camille said:

    Andea I'll check the Store downloads I have and I'll make a list. Thank you for letting me know. I'll upload the list as soon as I can :)

  9. Posted on May 21st, 2011 @ 03:26 | cindy said:

    I really love your creations on your blog here but I have no idea where to download them Dx heartbreak2

  10. Posted on June 13th, 2011 @ 19:24 | SusieCC said:

    Hi, when i install this gorgeous creation in game, it installs fine but i cant find it in the empty lots bin, also when i quit the game and reopen the launcher it tells me that it isnt installed. Also whats the lot called ingame ??

  11. Posted on June 13th, 2011 @ 19:27 | SusieCC said:

    I cant find this lot once ive installed it in game? Everytime i install it, it wont show up and if i quit the game and then re open the launcher it is in new downloads again and isnt installed. Sorry if this is showing up twice, the first time i posted i refreshed twice and didnt see my comment so again,apologies for that.

    SusieCC *love* *.*

    Ps. I LOVE Toka dining set and all your other creations. your truly talented.

  12. Posted on June 15th, 2011 @ 01:51 | Binxi said:

    Camille, I just love this home you did! It is my favorite movie & I can think of nothing better than to have it in my game! -but- No matter what I do I cannot get it to load in the game =( I have tried both versions (with & without cc) several times with no luck. Am I the only one to have this trouble? If so, I'll just have to weep & realize it's my game & there's nothing to be done.

  13. Posted on June 15th, 2011 @ 17:02 | camille said:

    Binxi I am really sorry for that. What you can do is download it and convert to .package. The .package file you place under your library folder. I did it to other houses that weren't working and it works just fine! I think it's a cache problem but by doing this that I told you I am sure you'll be able to find it on game :)

  14. Posted on July 24th, 2011 @ 00:43 | Aglaia  said:

    You are one of my favorite people in this sims community Camille. I hope you never change.

    With that out of the way I LOVE this lot so much. Amazing work again

  15. Posted on September 27th, 2011 @ 10:05 | Tatiana said:

    I need help heartbreak2 i have windows 7 and i went to download this and it's not working. It's saving the file as a .rar and I don't know how to change it or make it work. I really would love this house it would make me so happy. Any advice? ={

  16. Posted on October 11th, 2011 @ 11:42 | Steve said:

    Tatiana, I don't know if your problem has been solved yet, but if not then here's what you need to do: Search online (Google) for a program called WinRAR. It's very much like WinZip but works with RAR files. Once you install WinRAR then all you have to do is double-click the downloaded RAR file, and that will open a new window with the house file inside. Then either click and drag that onto your desk top and open in there, or just double-click the file inside the RAR window and it should extract fine. I'm having the same trouble as others though, getting it to work in the Sims installer.

  17. Posted on February 15th, 2012 @ 02:07 | Tatiana said:

    i downloaded the practical magic house *which i love* but when i install it, it never shows up in world, and every time i start the game i have to reinstall it but it never shows up in world heartbreak1 is there a way to fix this? or am i doing it wrong/missing something?

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