Posted on April 21st, 2011 @ 00:18

More Stuff

Hello there!

Some people said they would like to have more beds where they could use their quilts, so I found this bed by Monica and I converted it. I hope it’s what you were needing. Also I added these two pillows by Mirake. I converted some curtains from Sims In Paris a long time ago and I’m adding them too. I fixed the it bag because it had a bad multiplier on it and also made it recolorable. Someone complained about the nengi curtains I converted because the sim couldn’t use the counter if the curtains were next, now  it’s solved.

22 Comments | Conversions

Posted on April 19th, 2011 @ 21:46

Lovely Colors

If you know ColorLovers.com you know that this site is amazing. I already know it for some time but just yesterday I decided to create an account there.  There are so many different colors I love! Here I show some of my prefered colors to you. Do you like them too? Which one is your favourite?

15 Comments | Misc

Posted on April 17th, 2011 @ 20:24

Sleeping Beauty

Here we are again!I wish I could stop converting things, for me it’s as addictive as playing this game. When I see so many beautiful decorations from The Sims 2 I want to convert everything! There are so many beautiful things for the sims 2 community. That’s why I don’t have a big interest on learning how to mesh. First we need to bring the goodies, right?

So, if your game is in lack of beds I converted these excelent beds. One from Mira, originally posted on Black Pearl Sims forum and the second one from Anye, for the same forum. You can also see that I converted the bed pillows from each set. They are recolorable and the Teyon bed pillows come with different overlays I found for the sims 2. I also converted a sofa pillow mesh from Sims In Paris that I modified to use them on bed. All the pillows need to be put on bed with “moveobjects on” cheat and they all come with the bed height, so no need for OMSP’s.

24 Comments | Conversions
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