Posted on January 20th, 2011 @ 19:59

Cath Kidston Patterns

If you like the shabby chic style or would love to live in a romantic english cottage, then you’d probably decorate your house with Cath Kidston products. Cath Kidston started her company in a small shop in Notting Hill in 1993, selling second-hand furniture and vintage fabrics.  She soon began to design her own fabric and wallpaper, creating signature floral prints, which have come to stand for her unique look.  From bedding to iphones, her cute patterns are everywhere.

So why shouldn’t they be also in your sims 3 game? Well, I couldn’t avoid to put some of these into my game, and I’d love to share them with you. I know you all hate to not have a full recolorable pattern, and believe me, me too I love to play with the color palletts, but these are non-castable patterns. Yes, I know, it sucks. >.<

However I really hope you still have some place to these textures in your game and that you have fun with them. Happy Simming!

CK Pat (3039 downloads )

*These patterns cannot be converted into .package files


Cath Kidston Official Site

Info about CK

Create a Pattern Tool by EA


  1. Posted on January 21st, 2011 @ 00:03 | Lorry said:

    Thankyou sooooo much for sharing these beautiful patterns, I dont care that they are not recolourable! You have such wonderful taste when it comes to patterns *4
    Thanks again *star*

  2. Posted on January 21st, 2011 @ 07:53 | camille said:

    Lorry I appreciate so much all your comments! Really, they make my day! I really hope you can enjoy these patterns as much as I do in my game. I'm personally in love with the little stars, strawberries and flowers *o*
    It's a shame that you don't have a blog! I would love to check your creations, even if you just post pics, it would be fantastic to get some inspiration! I'm sure they would be amazing and sweet, just like you are! Thank you for visiting me! *1

  3. Posted on January 22nd, 2011 @ 05:17 | sailorjune said:

    I agree – the patterns and colors are great; there is no need to recolor them. The idea is to mix and match them in the same room. Camille, I'm so glad you got the idea to "sim" these patterns for us. Now I can have vintage rooms — oooh, here comes my vintage kitchen!!!

  4. Posted on January 22nd, 2011 @ 05:31 | Candy Lover  said:

    Wow, Camille, you really are probably my favorite creator. Your simple, sweet and really good at creating lovely little things. The atmosphere of your blog makes me feel really happy and welcome.

    To me, these patterns are a MUST have, they really create a soft look to things. *6

    I am in love with this! *7 My all time favorite would have to be the stars. Good work. And thank you for visiting my blog. Your comments always make me feel happy.

    Please, keep creating more and more wonderful things. When I'm in a bad mood, your blog is the place for me to go around and look at things you create. They make me happy. heart3

  5. Posted on January 22nd, 2011 @ 17:27 | lpvinyl21 said:

    Love Love them! Thank you :)

  6. Posted on January 22nd, 2011 @ 19:31 | edejan said:

    These are so pretty! I've been looking for a pattern with the roses and blue background forever! Thank you for your beautiful patterns!! :D

  7. Posted on January 23rd, 2011 @ 00:58 | Heitor said:

    ola camille , lembra de mim ?
    entao , pq vc deletou a comunidade do orkut ?

  8. Posted on January 23rd, 2011 @ 11:54 | camille said:

    Wow! What can I say with so nice comments?! Well, I can start by thanking you for visiting my blog, and specially for leaving a comment, as I said in many posts, that's what motivates me to go on.
    I'd like you to know that I didn't make these patterns non-castable because I was lazy, but because the images I got weren't in so good resolution, so if I intended to put them into color channels they would be so poor in quality they wouldn't even look the same.

    @heitor: eu deletei a comunidade pois não me dedicava a ela como eu deveria. Mas fico feliz de saber que ha outras comunidades que prestam o mesmo serviço, então os usuarios do podesim não ficarão sem os cps ;D

  9. Posted on January 23rd, 2011 @ 15:22 | Carolina said:

    Muito obrigada! Adorei! *4

  10. Posted on January 23rd, 2011 @ 15:59 | camille said:

    Que bom que você gostou Carol, obrigada pelo comentario também! *ribbon*

  11. Posted on January 24th, 2011 @ 00:12 | Thi said:

    Lindas Patterns, concerteza já estão em meu jogo Camille…
    Ótimo Blog, poste mais casas, elas são um espetáculo, e espero que já esteja bem melhor, e que tenha se recuperado 100% de sua gripe…
    Até Mais =)

  12. Posted on January 24th, 2011 @ 01:20 | camille said:

    Oi Thi! Que bom que você também gostou desses padrões. Fico muito muito feliz mesmo! *o*
    A gripe graças a Deus ja foi embora. Eu vou tentar postar mais casas. Estou pra postar um set de livros que tou convertendo do sims2. Então fique de olho :]

  13. Posted on January 24th, 2011 @ 02:31 | Amanda said:

    These are very adorable Camille! *.*

    I think I can squeeze a few of these in my downloads folder! heart3

  14. Posted on January 24th, 2011 @ 21:06 | camille said:

    Thank you Amandita *love*

  15. Posted on January 26th, 2011 @ 02:36 | Also I started making my first objects today « The Spectacled Otter  said:

    […] by Lunararc at MTS. Everyday Dress is by Anubis360 (also available at MTS) and uses patterns from Camille. Sleepwear is by MelCalero at MTS. (also available at GoS) Earrings are by RoseSims, here and here. […]

  16. Posted on January 26th, 2011 @ 17:22 | Heitor said:

    ah ta =)
    gostei desse blog , ta de parabens

  17. Posted on January 31st, 2011 @ 11:54 | praew said:

    heart3 *ribbon*=) :) *7 *flower* *o* *star* *sun* *1

  18. Posted on January 31st, 2011 @ 11:54 | praew said:

    so cute …

  19. Posted on May 11th, 2011 @ 12:16 | tamra said:

    awwwr that make me sooo happy thx a lot *6

  20. Posted on January 25th, 2014 @ 17:44 | Cordelia said:

    Hello Camille!

    What a beautiful site! Everything here is so cute! :) Thanks a lot for sharing your creations! :T

    Have a beautiful weekend! flower2

  21. Posted on March 8th, 2015 @ 07:27 | Guest said:

    Gorgeous patterns!! Thank you for sharing!! *6

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Welcome to my Sims 3 blog. Here you'll find a little bit of everything. Objects, houses, patterns, sims! I also love to share what I created with the game I hope you'll have fun! And thank you for visiting!

Xoxo, Camille

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