Hello everyone!
I am so sorry for the lack of news. This last month I had to travel with my husband to Morocco for business and we stay stuck on the bureau without much free time left. Despite 3 weeks already on this country we haven’t visited anything! So you can see why I don’t have the time to post anything new. I have fixed and re-uploaded a new version of all the sets that needed to be updated before traveling. The only set that still needs to be fixed is Alexis Neo Classic. I need to re-do the bed, like I re-did all the beds on the other sets. Unfortunately I didn’t have the time to do it before leaving home. However you can re-download all the updated sets. They should work fine. I have tested them on my game. Yet, if you find a problem with them let me know by leaving a comment on the set post. I don’t promise to update it soon because I don’t know when I will have the time. With a bit of luck I can come back to Brazil for Christmas holidays!!
Credits for the image: Around The Sims 3
Hello Everyone!
Finally one of the most expected expansions is finally released. Pets will soon integrate the collection of many simmers for our joy. However, as almost nothing in this life is for free, beside the salty price of the game addon you can also be “blessed” and pay some delicious CC problems! Since the last patch released by EA or the instalation of Pets, your game will be adapted for animals and by consequence objects had to be redefined by Eletronic Arts. Pets will interact with sofa, beds, tables, and many other objects, where animation changes were required.

Hello dear simmers!
Long time no see!
Yes time is really what I don’t have these months and before complaining about it, I have to thank God for the bunch of work I have right now! In the past it would take me 1 to 2 days to converte a full set of about 20 itens for our sims 3, but as I’m so out of time I could convert about 2, 3 objects per day. When I started to dedicate myself to creations of my own meshes, I got even more work to do and I could only do a few objects.